Stewart AJ, Arechar AA, Rand DG, Plotkin JB. (2024). The distorting effects of producer strategies: Why engagement does not reveal consumer preferences for misinformation. PNAS. 121 (10) e2315195121.
Arechar AA, Allen J, Berinsky AJ, Cole R, Epstein Z, Garimella K, Gully A, Lu JG, Ross RM, Stagnaro MN, Zhang Y, Pennycook G, Rand DG. (2023). Understanding and combatting misinformation across 16 countries on six continents. Nature Human Behaviour.
Epstein Z, Sirlin N, Arechar AA, Pennycook G, Rand DG. (2023). The social media context interferes with truth discernment. Science Advances. 9 9.
Arechar AA, Rand DG. (2022). Learning to be selfish? A large-scale longitudinal analysis of Dictator games played on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Journal of Economic Psychology. 90, 102490.
Pennycook G, Epstein Z, Mosleh M, Arechar AA, Eckles D, Rand DG. (2021). Shifting attention to accuracy can reduce misinformation online. Nature. 592, 590-595.
Allen J, Arechar AA, Pennycook G, Rand DG. (2021). Scaling up fact-checking using the wisdom of crowds. Science Advances. 7 36.
Mosleh M, Pennycook G, Arechar AA, Rand DG. (2021). Cognitive reflection correlates with behavior on Twitter. Nature Communications. 12 951.
Arechar AA, Rand DG. (2021). Turking in the time of COVID. Behavior Research Methods. 53, 2591–2595.
Sirlin N, Epstein Z, Arechar AA, Rand DG. (2021). Digital literacy is associated with more discerning accuracy judgments but not sharing intentions. Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review.
Miranda A, Dávila O, Aguilar A, Arechar AA, Zizumbo D, Rodríguez Y, Sainz J. (2020). The Aguascalientes Longitudinal Study of Child Development: baseline and first results. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 11 (3), 409-423.
Stagnaro MN, Arechar AA, Rand DG. (2019). Are those who believe in God really more prosocial? Religion, Brain & Behavior. 10 (4), 444-458.
Stewart AJ, Mosleh M, Diakonova M, Arechar AA, Rand DG, Plotkin JB. (2019). Information gerrymandering and undemocratic decisions. Nature. 573, 117–121.
Dunham Y, Arechar AA, Rand DG. (2019). From foe to friend and back again: The temporal dynamics of intra-party bias in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Judgment and Decision Making. 14(3), pp. 373–380.
Arechar AA, Gächter S, Molleman L. (2018). Conducting Interactive Experiments Online. Experimental Economics. 21(1),pp 99–131.
Arechar AA, Kouchaki M, Rand DG. (2018). Examining Spillovers between Long and Short Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Games Played in the Laboratory. Games. 9(1), 5.
Arechar AA, Dreber A, Fudenberg D, Rand DG. (2017). ‘I’m Just a Soul Whose Intentions Are Good’: The Role of Communication in Noisy Repeated Games. Games and Economic Behavior. 104, pp. 726-743.
Stagnaro MN, Arechar AA, Rand DG. (2017). From Good Institutions to Generous Citizens: Top-Down Incentives to Cooperate Promote Subsequent Prosociality But Not Norm Enforcement. Cognition. 167, pp. 212-254.
Arechar AA, Kraft-Todd G, Rand DG. (2017). Turking Overtime: How Participant Characteristics and Behavior Vary Over Time and Day on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Journal of the Economic Science Association. 3(1), pp. 1-11.